Let’s talk skin business with Annette Matthews 

I wanted to give a little insight into why I chose to focus on skin treatments alongside my injectables and why I encourage more clinic owners to add skin solutions to their daily offering.

I use the terminology bread and butter of my business quite loosely, hear me out!

Injectables are a great way to offer amazing solutions for my clients which I am sure you will agree!

I quickly found out though that the recalls for such treatments can be quite sparse, especially when I am choosing high-quality products with continually improving longevity.

When running a business as well as the welcome income stream from ‘high-end’ treatments we need to focus on more regular and frequent payments into our business model to ensure we too have longevity as clinic owners. 

Here lies the bread and butter!

So I talk about the business of skin.

Homecare - This should be the first place we start with all our clients! Regular 2 x daily intervention from them resulting in optimised clinical results!

Skin solutions - My clients attend with one or more of a few very similar concerns: Acne, rosacea, pigmentation, ageing skin most of which are linked to skin and its function- if we restore this we will see acute and ongoing results. 

If we have treatments to assist with all of these aspects we have a stronger business model.

So ask yourself what options do you have for these concerns and what solutions can you provide to maintain any results you achieve with your injectables or better still prior to any injectables! Fine-tuning the foundations of your skin and its function to ascertain optimal results with further interventions like injectables. 

For me, I like to start with the foundations of skin and skin health and help clients achieve longevity and continual results- some of the work is notably down to them with twice daily home-care intervention from the onset. One analogy I often use is just like brushing your teeth between dental visits you need to revisit skincare x 2 daily in between regular visits!

Here at MedFx and BF Mulholland, we offer multiple training courses to assist with all of these aspects and to enable you to provide a structured and fulfilling treatment plan for a variety of concerns and solutions your clients may be looking for.

We have a new skin science course being launched very soon which will help discover the fundamentals of skin health and help you decipher between various ingredients and skin care options from professional and home-care options available, allowing you to make evidence-based decisions on the chosen treatment options. 

The first thing I would advise is to add some new skills to your portfolio and implement regular skin treatments for your clients to optimise your results and their longevity.

Regular SKinterventions with your clients will help promote ongoing and sustainable results.

If you missed the live webinar, don't worry! You can watch it here

Annette Matthews x

"The Business of Skin" with Annette Matthews