Standard delivery is 1-2 working days
Free delivery over £550 (excludes cold chain)

Pharmacy Terms & Conditions

Many thanks for your prescription order.

Please note: Orders authorised, by our pharmacist, before 5:30pm will be processed for next working day delivery between Monday and Friday. Orders that include temperature-controlled products will be processed for delivery between Tuesday and Friday. Saturday deliveries are available at an additional charge. Please contact our sales team if you have any queries with your prescription order.

Independent Prescribers

Where this prescription is being issued by an authorised prescriber for administration to a patient by themselves or in their own clinic or practice.

You confirm that:

  • You are authorised and qualified to issue this prescription;

  • You are the named individual on the account;

  • The products on the prescription are for the treatment of the patient named on the prescription;

  • You have undertaken a consultation and clinical assessment with the patient in accordance with your regulatory bodies guidelines;

  • You take full responsibility for any prescription that you issue for products outside of their summary of product characteristics recommendations including use, dosage and indications;

  • You accept that the prescription will be clinically assessed by the pharmacist and agree to answer any further questions they may have in regards to this prescription or the patients treatment;

  • You take full responsibility to ensure that any handwritten prescriptions are received into the pharmacy via post within 72 hours;

Partner Prescribers

Where you have entered into an arrangement with a non-prescriber healthcare professional whom you know and work with in order to provide services to assess patients for treatment. Then in relation to any prescription you issue under such an arrangement you confirm that:

  • You are authorised and qualified to issue the prescription;

  • The products on the prescription are for the treatment of the patient named on the prescription;

  • You have undertaken a consultation and clinical assessment with the patient in accordance with your regulatory bodies guidelines;

  • You take full responsibility for any prescription that you issue for products outside of their summary of product characteristics recommendations including use, dosage and indications

  • You have assessed your partner healthcare professionals suitability to administer any products that you issue for them to administer, on your behalf as per your arrangement with them;

  • You will ensure that such products are administered only in accordance with your instructions.

  • You accept that the prescription will be clinically assessed by the pharmacist and agree to answer any further questions they may have in regards to this prescription or the patients treatment;

  • You take full responsibility to ensure that any handwritten prescriptions are received into the pharmacy via post within 72 hours;

  • You take responsibility to inform Medfx/DD immediately should you cease to work in partnership with another Healthcare professional;


Where you are creating a draft prescription for assessment by your partner prescriber, for the patients they have seen on your behalf, you will ensure that you provide accurate information and that your partner prescriber is able to fully assess the patient prior to them issuing a final prescription.

  • You will administer any prescriptions purely in accordance with the instructions of the prescriber.

  • You will only undertake administration where you are suitably experienced and qualified to undertake such administration, as per your insurance

  • You will ensure that all products dispensed to you on behalf of your joint patient is for treatment and use in that named patient

  • You take responsibility to inform Medfx/DD immediately should you cease to work in partnership with another Healthcare professional


All Prescriptions

Quantity Limits

In order to comply with our legal obligations to minimise the risk of medicine wholesaling, Over prescribing and patient safety concerns we apply limitations to the quantity of products we will supply against any single prescription. Whilst these quantities are a guide our pharmacists reserve the absolute right to deny supply where they in their professional opinion think that there is a reason for concern.

Right to Refuse Supply

I understand that the pharmacist has the right to refuse to fulfil any orders placed or to require that further information is provided in order for them to make the informed decision to dispense and I shall co operate with any enquiries that they might reasonably have.

Where a supply is refused I understand that my only right in relation to such refusal is the right to a refund of any payment I have made in advance for such products. I understand that prescriptions will not be returned to me for dispensing elsewhere. 

Patient Consent

I have obtained the patient’s consent to use Medfx pharmacy to dispense the prescription with their full understanding that they have a choice to use alternative pharmacies.

I have obtained the patient’s consent to have the products shipped to the address noted in the order.


You confirm you hold suitable insurance to issue such prescriptions or administer any medicines that are ordered via Medfx.


You will be responsible for storing any medicines securely and in accordance with their published requirements whilst they are in your possession.